Sunday, May 31, 2009

Other things that happened in May.

Wrapping up the month of May.
  • Health: SB is officially 5 months old. She goes to her 5 month appointment next week. She got thrush a week and a half ago and she is on medicine. It has not stopped the thrush yet. But since we go in next week, I will talk with the doctor more next week.
  • Travel: SB went on her first air plane ride to Kansas City, Missouri this month. Her aunt Sarah Joles graduated from college. Jess promised 4 years ago that we would be there, and we were there. Savannah slept for both take offs! She slept the entire plane ride home. The drive from Kansas City to her graduation was 2 1/2 hours and she slept to and from Kansas City on the car ride! She is a great little traveler. Why do I even worry!
  • Fun things: Savannah had her first trip to the zoo. I think she was more interested in looking at the trees and sky then the wild animals. And I suppose after all, she does have a dog that appears larger than some of those animals. And Wrigley is much more entertaining than those sleepy animals in cages. (I am still working off the "baby fat" please ignore my photo. Wow! )
  • Learning new things: SB learned how to take her sock off. Great! The chasing of the socks games begin. She doesn't really wear shoes right now. So we have some time there. SB did get some new shoes while in Missouri, thanks to Aunt Sarah's employee discount. I will post a picture of her new Nike's next month. She won't be able to fit into them until she is about 1. Just in time for walking!

Thanks for all your comments! We love to know you are checking in on us!


Hollace said...

It is amazing that she slept through the take-offs. What a blessing! Its funny what you said about Wrigley being more interesting than the zoo animals to her! (I saw it on the video--so cute.)

Jamie said...

Ahh yes, the old 'taking the socks off as soon as mom puts them on' game. I have given up on even putting Grace in socks until before we leave the house. Instead i put them in my pocket and then put them on her when we reach our distination. The fun has just begun!

Kelly said...

What are you talking about? You look fabulous!

The chasing of the sock game is always a good one. Only to be followed by the drop and you pick up game.

Glad you're doing well! Love you.

Suzanne Scott said...

SB is absolutely beautiful. I love all the pictures. Keep them coming!