Thursday, April 28, 2011

To the Farm

Born in the Suburbs of Chicago....Who knew she was a country girl!

Looking at the baby chickens.

Just went and got eggs from the chickens.

Denver is so sleepy, he actually did fall asleep out in the snow in my arms.

Savannah B. and Savannah R. waiting for their horse ride.

Bare back horse ride.

Savannah B. learning how to hold on.

"Come 'ere horsey!"

Got to feed him, pure joy!

Denver and mama bundled up, snowing and it was almost May!

Savannah riding the horse named Robert.

Savannah B and Savannah R looking at the cows.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Savannah had her first Easter Egg Hunt. I thought having 18 eggs to find (6 from us & 12 from Granny and Papa) would be overwhelming. But quite the contrary. She would have searched 5 or more times for the same eggs just for the sport of it! It was a great time watching her hunt!

Just a fun one of my little Denver!

Denver is getting to be a big boy! He is eating at the table in his highchair and he is eating rice cereal and now veggies! I seem to be the only one who can get him to eat all his food. So even when someone else starts him, I am always finishing. He will warm up to it.

Easter Video of Savannah's Egg Hunt. Sorry, silly me it is sideways.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fun with the kids!

Savannah and Denver have been interacting more and more. It brings me so much joy!

Savannah wore this last summer as a dress! Works this season as a shirt! Love versitility!
Helping mama make brownies! What a good helper!
Savannah's artwork. She dressed up the pig all on her own!
Denver hanging out with mama while Savannah naps.
Jess found Denver like this in his crib after his nap on Saturday.

Denver started rice cereal during Spring break, this is some of his first bites.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We have moved and the kids are still growing!

We are settled for the most part in our new place in Redmond, OR. It is a process with Jess working 5 days a week and some half days on Saturday. And with 2 kids, 2 and 5 months. We will keep working on it. And by the time we are settled we will be moving again, I am sure.

Denver is rolling over and rolling over again. I really have to watch where I put him. He is healed of all ear infections I believe. We go back in to double check tomorrow. The reason I believe he is finally healed after 4 weeks of treatments, is because he is finally sleeping 10 to 12 hours! I think he may have done this sooner if mama had not been waking him to feed at 10:30.

Savannah is growing like a weed. Always been near 100% for height, she is already starting to wear 4T's.

We are plugged into our new church, Jess helping out with the youth and we are involved in a small group. It has been a blessing to find that there are brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world! It is what true family is all about!

Daddy's little helper! (We were hanging a mirror above the fireplace of the new place.)

Denver is 5 months old and has been wearing 6 month old clothes since he was 3 months old. He too is 92% for height.

He is rolling over all on his own, front to back, and back to front.

Savannah and Denver are playing more and more together. You can tell Denver wants to get up and run with Savannah.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Some of my Favorite Photos...and Go Bears!

Here are some of my favorite photos from the past month. Denver wanted to represent his home town of Lake Forest, Illinois....(where the Bears Practice) and give a Touch down! Gotta love the spirit!

Savannah really loves her Granny!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I have been working with Savannah for quite sometime on her ABC's. But last night I let her go to sleep with her "computer" (a leap frog ABC learner). And after about 2 hours of hearing her play with it in the middle of the night! We took it away. But look what 2 hours of ABCing will do for a 2 year old!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Savannah turned 2 years old!!!

Happy Birthday Savannah! She turned 2 years old on December 30th! Hard to believe! She is as sweet as ever and twice as fun! We love her more and more every day!

Christmas 2010

Christmas came and went! With all we have had going the last 3 months. I can't believe it! We have moved across country. Moved in with the in-laws. Had a baby. Jess switched jobs (same company). Wow! Was there Christmas somewhere in there? Oh, by the way, we found a place of our own are moving again! More on that later. Here is proof that Christmas really did happen. Good thing I took pictures, I may not have remembered if I didn't!

Quick trip to IKEA.... what was I thinking of going with a 2 month old. That trip didn't last long.
Great to visit with Sarah and Michelle. We are missing Michelle in the picture though we got our youngest girls! Ellie, Savannah and Emmy.
Bath time in Nanna's sink.
Savannah, me and Wrigley in front of the fire.

Jess and Denver hanging out.
And of course nap time with Grandpa!

Savannah opening presents on Christmas day.
This is one of the sweet little faces I get to look at every day!
Denver and Savannah. How she loves her little brother!