Sunday, February 22, 2009

What do I call you?

One of Jess's "things" is to come up with nick names. He has some for the dog and some for Savannah. I think they are so fun, and so endearing. Yes, they may confuse her as to what her name really is. She will eventually figure out her name. In the mean time, we are having fun with her.

  • SB
  • Sweet Pea
  • Savannah Bee
  • Sweet Pea McGee
  • Sweet Pea Savannah Bee
  • Sweet Savannah Bee
  • Muncher
  • Savannah Belly (started in the womb)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Slept through the night!

That is right! Her first night of sleeping through the night! To bed at 9pm and up at 5:30am. And it was an early morning wake up, but that is okay. She had been waking up at 5:30am with a midnight feeding before. I will take an early 5:30 feeding. I am not sure if this will be a regular thing or not. But it was sure nice to get a full nights sleep.
The top picture is her "awake time". I tried everything I could to try and keep her awake. She was determined to sleep! I tried kisses in her neck, I tried singing to her, I tried putting her in her swing with the music on high. Nothing but snores! So, I put her to bed for an early nap. And this is all after a full nights sleep the night before! Silly Savannah! But that is okay, she is a girl after my own heart!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Our little heavy weight!

This last week Savannah had her 6 week check up at the doctors. When she was born at 9lbs 8 oz, we knew then that she was a healthy girl! She is continuing to eat well and be healthy!

She came in at 11 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long at 6 weeks and according to the doctor, she is 100% for height and weight! I decided to carry her in her car seat into my doctor appointment that followed her appointment, and I could not carry all the way without stopping for a break! Time to bring along the stroller!

My doctor appointment went well too! I have been "released" for now. I am finally all healed and am done treating my incision. C-sections are not always this long of a process I have been told. And I am thankful since usually once a c-sec always a c-sec and more are in my future.

She has been smiling now for about a week or so. She is starting to make the goo's and gaa's and other grunts to get my attention.

It is so fun to watch our little SB as she grows!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

sleeping through church

Today was Savannah's 1st day at church...and she has mastered what many men over the age of 50 work on for years...sleeping uninterrupted through the entire service. Since the temp has risen from a frigged 15 degrees to a balmy 45 degrees this week, she has also embarked on her first few walks around the block...the best part about this is that she has done so while loving daddy (as you can tell from the picture above). Wrigley has taken to Savannah very well and checks on her often while Savannah sleeps in her pack-n-play. She has learned also not to stick her cold furry nose (wrigley's) too far into SB's sleeping area for fear of waking her to what could only be described as a pterodactyl scream! On another note, who out there (besides Karl) knew there was a "p" in pterodactyl? Anyway, she mostly just stands guard these days--or, more aptly, lays guard. Another observation: Based on the pictures from the blog, Savannah never leaves her car seat...weird. Maybe we should be getting something from Chicco...time to send pictures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

C-Section story, not for the faint of stomach

I am just about healed up from the C-section and it has been a long 5 week recovery. The end result gave us a beautiful baby girl and she is so sweet. But I hope never to go through a healing process like that again! At the hospital, I got an infection. In the hospital the doctors and nurses were on the look out because I had a high white blood cell count. I did not come down with a fever until about a week after the delivery. And not being aware of the risk of infection, I was surprised when a 1/3 inch of my incision opened and puss pored out. (Sorry for the nasty picture, but yes it pored out.) And not only that but about 3 days later another 1/4 inch of it opened and..... yes, more puss. The doctors said the solution was to put me on antibiotics and stuff the now openings in my stomach with gauze to suck out the puss and allow the wound to heal from the inside out. As of yesterday, I am now done with the gauze stuffing and it is 97% healed from the inside out! It was a painful process! Have you ever had a wound that you had to clean by rubbing it with a wash cloth or something. That is what it felt like the first few weeks of having the gauze stuffed into my open wound. Not fun!
But, I would do it all over again if it meant I got to bring home our Sweet Savannah! She is mostly sleeping through the night. For the last 5 days or so, she has woken up once per night for a feeding. (Except for last night of course, there was two.) But every night gets a little better. Speaking of, I must head for bed myself!