Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sweet Savannah is 1 month old!


Hollace said...

How absolutely precious! I know you're tired and aren't getting enough sleep, but when I look at her I can't imagine her making a night time fuss =) I love seeing your photos. Holly

Welcome to my blog! said...

She is getting so big! We can't wait to meet her, she is absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWW, she is too cute!! Can't wait to meet her.

Take care,

Amber Hess said...

my mom didnt want to send a gift with out getting savannah somthing. i love music paramore is my favorite there CD riot is the best. im in swimming and softball and i wish snow boreding but its really hard. and my puupys name is Brutis. we still have jill and sparky. we have lots of animals 2 cats shadow and anya two ginea pigs squeacky and zues and three dogs jill sparkey and brutis. i LOVE ANIMALS!!!

Chell795 said...

Awe cute she has a Broncos t-shirt! Crazy, it's hard to believe she's already a month old!!