Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aunt Lindsay came to visit the "nieces"

Aunt Lindsay always talks about her two nieces. What she means is: Savannah and our dog Wrigley. Last summer, after Lindsay graduated from college, she lived with us for a couple months while she was studying for the final test with the state to become a nurse. It was great having her around while I was pregnant and exhausted! Last summer Wrigley sure enjoyed the company while Jess and I were at work. I don't know who was more excited to see each other: Lindsay to see Wrigley, or Wrigley to see Lindsay! (Since Lindsay has lived with us, she had to go and get her own Great Dane- Aspen, Wrigley's cousin, is now 7 months old. Our breeder is )
Thanks for coming to visit Lindsay! We love you!


Welcome to my blog! said...

The pictures of Lyndsay and Wrigley is hysterical! Wrigley looks sound asleep. Cute picture of SB with her auntie!


Sarah T. said...

love the pictures! they are amazing!! :D