Friday, June 26, 2009

Our piece of the recession pie....

The recession is effecting us all somehow. It may be the price of gas, the price of cheese (holy cow... ha, ha), lack of a job, the mortgage. For us, it is the house we live in. Our landlord is in the process of foreclosure and has our rental house on the market for a short sale. Having agreed, I am now showing the house 3-5 times per week. And like my mother, I cannot feel right about showing a dirty house. And since I watch all the sell your house shows, I also feel the house should be staged, especially in this competitive market. We had one realtor comment, "you are such good renters!" And for what, to be forced out earlier than we want. Don't get me wrong, we agree that the land lord has to do what he has to do, but even I scratch my head as to why I go to all the trouble.

The hard part is that land lords hear that we have a Great Dane and say no before we can even spit out that she is extremely friendly and sleeps 17 out of 24 hours. Literally!! As you can see in the photo above. It is one of her many "spots". Even my dad, who was sceptical about us getting such a large dog, recently told me, " people just don't know anything about Great Dane's". And it is so true. They are milder than any little dog I ever met. Lab's are more well known and are so much more hyper than a Great Dane. Give a dog a break.

So it sounds like the end of our lease may be it for us. August 31st. The other hard part of it is, we don't know how much longer we will be living in the Midwest and really did not want to sign another year lease. The Lord knows what is in store for us. Jess and I truly are excited to see how God is going to work. Every move we have had so far has been amazing to see how God has worked everything out! Either way, we know that the moving date is soon. Start collecting those boxes.


Suzanne Scott said...

Maybe you should move back to Oregon!

Hollace said...

Thanks for your blog and info. You write so well and describe the situation so clearly. We can help by praying, too.
Don't you have an August trip?

joles family said...


can you approve me for your blog?