Saturday, July 11, 2009

6 months highlights

SB turned 6 months and has had her 6 month doctor check up and she is growing fast! Faster than most apparently!
Weight: 16 lbs 9.5 oz or 80 %
Height: 29 inches or 120%
Food: All Fruits, all Veggies, and baby cereal. She starts Chicken and Turkey in 3 weeks! And she is also still on breast milk.
Activity: Rolling over, back and forth all the time. Sitting up on her own and able to look around without falling over! While on her stomach, she can get on her knees, but has not put 2 & 2 together (hands and feet) and figured out you can use all 4! Whatever she finds goes in her mouth but she still favors her thumb most.
Mouth: She says "da da" but has no idea what it means. She says it all day long in fact. And it is always in pairs... "da da......da da.......da da". I think it is adorable. She has one tooth that has broken through and the doctor said 3 more are on the way. When I mean broken through, I mean you can see it starting to come in.
Sleeping: She is down to 2-3 naps per day. Saturday while I was out, she slept 3 hours for Jess! What a great nap!
August: We have a work related trip to Arizona. Grandpa and Nana Fox will be driving down to stay with us.
October: SB and I, Tricia, will be flying to Oregon from the 6th to the 13th to visit anyone and everyone.
December: Jess, SB, and I will be coming home for Christmas this year. We got a free companion ticket through the Alaska credit card deal. (We don't use the credit card, yet they send us a free companion ticket every year for having it!!!) We will be there Dec 24th to Jan 2nd. I am so excited to celebrate SB's first birthday Dec 30th, with family.
(Side note: Suzanne, can you authorize me for your blog?)


girl said...

YAY!!! You're coming to visit!!!!! :)

Welcome to my blog! said...

That last picture looks just like Jess! Wow. . . such a cutie!!

Chell795 said...

I loved that Sweet Potato Face picture so much I set it as my background. So cute!!! :)