Monday, November 30, 2009

So many reasons to give Thanks!

We spent Thanksgiving in Rockford, IL with Jess's Grandma, Aunt, Uncle, Dad, Step-mom, sister and other family. Savannah had a great time with her Great Grandma's dog, Sugar. And the day after Thanksgiving we went down to the Woodstock Square for the big lighting of the square. It is beautiful! We had dinner in the Irish Pub on the Square, stood in a long line of people waiting for Starbucks and watched the lighting of the square and listened to carolers. It was great fun!


Kelly said...

Sounds like a great holiday! Love the family picture, you look great.

Welcome to my blog! said...

Oh my goodness, for a minute there I thought Jess's dad was Robert Duvall! Glad you had such a great time!
