Christmas came and went! With all we have had going the last 3 months. I can't believe it! We have moved across country. Moved in with the in-laws. Had a baby. Jess switched jobs (same company). Wow! Was there Christmas somewhere in there? Oh, by the way, we found a place of our own are moving again! More on that later. Here is proof that Christmas really did happen. Good thing I took pictures, I may not have remembered if I didn't!
Quick trip to
IKEA.... what was I thinking of going with a 2 month old. That trip didn't last long.

Great to visit with Sarah and Michelle. We are missing Michelle in the picture though we got our youngest girls! Ellie, Savannah and Emmy.

Bath time in
Nanna's sink.

Savannah, me and Wrigley in front of the fire.

Jess and Denver hanging out.

And of course nap time with Grandpa!

Savannah opening presents on Christmas day.

This is one of the sweet little faces I get to look at every day!

Denver and Savannah. How she loves her little brother!
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