SB has done so much growing in the last few months.
Definately worth mentioning. She has a handful of words that she says:
- Look
- mama
- dada
- nanna
- dog
- baby
- please (sounds like peas)
- duck
- and sometimes she will say "quack-quack"
Also there are some cool things that she has been doing lately.
Of course she has been waving and clapping for a long time. Here is what I mean by cool things.
- Hugs her dolls and stuffed animals and the dog
- points her her nose when asked "Where is your nose?"
- Brushes her hair with her hair brush (not very well, but she know what to do with it!)
- Pretends to wash her hands after she gets a diaper change
- Pretends to talk on the phone. She has a toy phone (as you can see in one of the photos, but she will use other objects to choose to talk into. hahaha)s
- she gives love pats to us and to the dog
Here are some of my recent photos.

- We are Bronco fans....but Bear shirts are cheap around here! It is hard not to be da Bears fan when you live near Chicago.

Couldn't resist the pig tails!

Facing forward in her big girl car seat now. I do put socks and shoes on the girl. Can't get her to keep them on!

She is a big helper. Loves to help with dishes, laundry, and cleaning her room too!

You wouldn't know that she actually had a fever in this pic. I can even get smiles out of her when she doesn't feel well.

SB talking on her play phone.