Friday, October 30, 2009

Baa! Happy Halloween!

Savannah really is not so sure what to think of her Halloween costume. But it is oh so fun for me to dress her up! And perfect since today is cold and rainy. I took this picture of her while she was in Oregon after we went to the Pumpkin Patch with Nanna and Aunt Mimi (Michelle). We are going "trick or treating" to a couple Country Insurance Offices today. Just to show off the great costume! Baa! Baa!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Trip to Oregon

Savannah and I (Tricia) went to Oregon for a much needed visit with friends and family. It was Savannah's first time to Oregon and our first time flying with out Jess. It went well and we had a great time! Can't wait to come back for Christmas!

Uncle Jerod & Savannah at the beach.

Savannah, Nanna and I at the beach.

Savannah & Grandpa Fox at the Oregon Coast in Lincoln City.

Savannah hanging out with Granny & Papa Schwarz. (Jess's mom and step dad.)

Savannah hanging out with her cousin Silas. Remington is in the background.

Savannah and Papa Karl.

Savannah and Granny. Cousins are trying to toughen her up, I guess. Her wearing a Fox skater hat.

Hanging out with the Lucas's and Bains. Met my friends Ellie & Annie Lucas!

Savannah(left) playing with friends: Ellie Prunk & Emmy Meyers

Savannah (left) playing with friends: Elloise Adams & Sophia Thompson. Savannah cannot crawl or walk as of left. I am assisting her.

Hanging out after breakfast with Uncle Jerod.

With Nanna Fox at the Pumpkin Patch

Hanging out with Grandpa Fox while Nanna is at work! Hurry home Nanna we are having so much fun!

Taking a bath in Grandpa & Nanna Fox's sink! What a view! Hahaha!

We had a great time! Great to visit with all the friends and family!