Friday, June 26, 2009

Our piece of the recession pie....

The recession is effecting us all somehow. It may be the price of gas, the price of cheese (holy cow... ha, ha), lack of a job, the mortgage. For us, it is the house we live in. Our landlord is in the process of foreclosure and has our rental house on the market for a short sale. Having agreed, I am now showing the house 3-5 times per week. And like my mother, I cannot feel right about showing a dirty house. And since I watch all the sell your house shows, I also feel the house should be staged, especially in this competitive market. We had one realtor comment, "you are such good renters!" And for what, to be forced out earlier than we want. Don't get me wrong, we agree that the land lord has to do what he has to do, but even I scratch my head as to why I go to all the trouble.

The hard part is that land lords hear that we have a Great Dane and say no before we can even spit out that she is extremely friendly and sleeps 17 out of 24 hours. Literally!! As you can see in the photo above. It is one of her many "spots". Even my dad, who was sceptical about us getting such a large dog, recently told me, " people just don't know anything about Great Dane's". And it is so true. They are milder than any little dog I ever met. Lab's are more well known and are so much more hyper than a Great Dane. Give a dog a break.

So it sounds like the end of our lease may be it for us. August 31st. The other hard part of it is, we don't know how much longer we will be living in the Midwest and really did not want to sign another year lease. The Lord knows what is in store for us. Jess and I truly are excited to see how God is going to work. Every move we have had so far has been amazing to see how God has worked everything out! Either way, we know that the moving date is soon. Start collecting those boxes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Open mouth......Insert foot & Happy Fathers day!

Savannah just recently found her foot! And seems to love the taste of it! Now it is a regular occurrence to see her sucking on her toes! Silly girl! It is amazing how flexible babies are!

I put Savannah down to bed around 8pm and she is usually awake around 6am and talking in her room and ready for breakfast. I go and get her out of her crib and after a quick change I bring her in bed with me. Since I am not yet ready to fully get up, I nurse her in bed. We have gotten in a routine of this for quite some time. Now after SB has some warm milk, she will usually go right back to bed! Ahhhhhhhh! She will sleep as late as 11 am sometimes. I don't sleep in that long. But 9am... 9:30ish is fabulous! Wrigley is always in bed with us by 6am, so as Jess is getting ready for work, his girls are just getting back to bed. Sorry honey! I do all the housework for you though! No toilets, laundry or dishes for you!
This last week was our church's conference. And yet again, it was GREAT!!!! We had 3 pastors from all over come and preach the word. The sermons will be posted on our churches website. When they are, I will let you know. Take the time and listen to one or all of them. Amazing! The last day of the conference was Saturday, but they usually wrap it up on Sunday with a great message and a huge meal. So, needless to say, Jess and I have not gotten to officially celebrate fathers day yet. He had to go up to a managers meeting in Wisconsin and will be coming home tomorrow afternoon. He doesn't know it yet, but Rib eye's are on sale at Dominick's (aka Safeway). I will be heading to buy a couple for dinner tomorrow to celebrate a great new dad! I have been trying to teach SB "da da" I think she is still months away from it, but she is quite a talker and it is a part of her gibberish.
Thank you Jess for being a great dad. It really warms my heart to see you interact with your daughter! I love to see her smile wide for you. And it makes me so happy to see that when she is upset, you can calm her as well as I can. It means that she knows you well and loves you! And I hope you know that I love you too! XOXO Happy Fathers Day!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aunt Lindsay came to visit the "nieces"

Aunt Lindsay always talks about her two nieces. What she means is: Savannah and our dog Wrigley. Last summer, after Lindsay graduated from college, she lived with us for a couple months while she was studying for the final test with the state to become a nurse. It was great having her around while I was pregnant and exhausted! Last summer Wrigley sure enjoyed the company while Jess and I were at work. I don't know who was more excited to see each other: Lindsay to see Wrigley, or Wrigley to see Lindsay! (Since Lindsay has lived with us, she had to go and get her own Great Dane- Aspen, Wrigley's cousin, is now 7 months old. Our breeder is )
Thanks for coming to visit Lindsay! We love you!