This last week Savannah had her 6 week check up at the doctors. When she was born at 9lbs 8 oz, we knew then that she was a healthy girl! She is continuing to eat well and be healthy!
She came in at 11 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long at 6 weeks and according to the doctor, she is 100% for height and weight! I decided to carry her in her
car seat into my doctor appointment that followed her appointment, and I could not carry all the way without stopping for a break! Time to bring along the stroller!
My doctor appointment went well too! I have been "released" for now. I am finally all healed and am done treating my incision. C-sections are not always this long of a process I have been told. And I am thankful since usually once a c-sec always a c-sec and more are in my future.
She has been smiling now for about a week or so. She is starting to make the goo's and
gaa's and other grunts to get my attention.
It is so fun to watch our little SB as she grows!