We are slowly getting settled in. The house is actually very
livable. And now we can park in the garage too! We had to hang 8 outdoor chairs on the wall of the garage that did not stack or fold up in order to do this. But as soon as winter hits, it will be well worth it. Thankfully this townhouse has a large loft, which we are using as an office and storage area. We still have many
boxes that we have not touched yet, and some we may never while living at this house. This townhouse is 2300 square feet smaller than the house we just moved from. You can imagine how much unusable space we had at our last house that we had to heat, air condition, and clean. I look forward to a lower gas and electricity bill and already a much more manageable cleaning area. And since it is a townhouse, no yard work! Yahoo!!!!!! It also means no yard to ourselves. But, for now, it is a GREAT
trade off! Besides, there is a lot of common yard area for Wrigley to run. And Jess went from a 40 minute commute down to a 4 minute commute. That is better than his commute when living in Normal, IL, while working as a trainer in the corporate office, of 7 minutes!
Woodstock, IL is famous for the town square featured in the movie Groundhog Day. It is full of great activities. We have already gone down to the farmers market a couple times and will go again this weekend to get a
Frapacino and walk the farmers market booths and see the art festival that will be going on this weekend.
Would love to hear from all of you. I have access to a computer this week! Next month we will be looking to buy a new home computer.
Savannah holding the dog's leash in the new front yard.

Savannah fell asleep on her morning walk. Too close to nap time I would guess.

The family photo in front of the new townhouse rental.

A new house calls for a new bath tub. If you squeeze the beak, it quacks too. It was a gift from my 3rd grade teacher. Thanks Mrs. Rasmussen! She loves it!