We are settled for the most part in our new place in Redmond, OR. It is a process with Jess working 5 days a week and some half days on Saturday. And with 2 kids, 2 and 5 months. We will keep working on it. And by the time we are settled we will be moving again, I am sure.
Denver is rolling over and rolling over again. I really have to watch where I put him. He is healed of all ear infections I believe. We go back in to double check tomorrow. The reason I believe he is finally healed after 4 weeks of treatments, is because he is finally sleeping 10 to 12 hours! I think he may have done this sooner if mama had not been waking him to feed at 10:30.
Savannah is growing like a weed. Always been near 100% for height, she is already starting to wear 4T's.
We are plugged into our new church, Jess helping out with the youth and we are involved in a small group. It has been a blessing to find that there are brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world! It is what true family is all about!

Daddy's little helper! (We were hanging a mirror above the fireplace of the new place.)

Denver is 5 months old and has been wearing 6 month old clothes since he was 3 months old. He too is 92% for height.

He is rolling over all on his own, front to back, and back to front.

Savannah and Denver are playing more and more together. You can tell Denver wants to get up and run with Savannah.